Liveaboards, United! is a union of liveaboards and their supporters advocating for the fluid, low impact, and naturally-occurring affordable housing that is served by including liveaboards in marinas. Our goals include defending the interests of people living on their boats, increasing the allowable number of LAs in existing BCDC and other California marinas, and establishing new houseboat communities (aka floating home communities) where they have been lost over the past decade.
For us to be persuasive and succeed, we must not only sound like we know what we are talking about, we must know it, and well.
We have to speak the lingo [or verbiage or vocab, you get the gist].
To be familiar with this lingo, and analyze how BCDC has morphed or “crept” from original intent, please read the following diligently and give your thoughts:
*The MPA (McAteer-Petris Act), which formed the BCDC in 1969;
*The Bay Plan, both the first one from 1969 and the current one;
*The Cal. Code of Regs that apply (defining houseboat and live-aboard;
*The 1983 BCDC Staff Report to Commissioners (Revised July 1985), where Staff made assumptions and showed possible bias/prejudice; and
*Our own “safe harbor” Oyster Cove/Oyster Point Memo from the Sept. 15, 2022 BCDC meeting (Staff memo, slides and audio recording on the BCDC website);.
At this 9/15/2022 meeting, discussion was had by the Commissioners to look into the 10% cap; we’d also like “no houseboats” taken out of permits, and other changes.