See link below for the Thursday September 7th meeting of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) included in this Email:
All Vessel owners and Live Aboard Vessel owners in San Francisco Bay Marinas are restricted by the BCDC to 10% of available slips to be occupied by Live Aboard Vessels. This limitation is specified by the “Bay Plan” of 1969 and the prohibition of more than 10% occupancy of available slips in any SF Bay Marina.
There is a good possibility of increasing the allowed Live Aboard percentage to as much as 25% as We have been making our case, we have sympathetic members at BCDC.
But only if you act now! to write into the comments page (send to or for the September 7th meeting and Show That Live Aboard’s Have A Voice!
There is also a zoom meeting at which you may voice your opinion which begins at 1 pm. Comments may be stated at the beginning of item 11 (Briefing on Oyster Point Compliance)! Please do this as well.
Because of the closure of several marinas in recent years by Property Developers, many displaced Live Aboard Residents who were previously Legal Live Aboard’s (under the BCDC restrictions) were placed, by the sympathetic Harbormaster of Oyster Cove Marina in Oyster Cove. The manner in which these displaced Live Aboard’s were placed at Oyster Cove Marina necessitated that the Harbormaster Tweaked the rules by requesting that some Live Aboard residents who had 2 vessels give up their Live Aboard Status to allow those displaced to be certified as Legal Live Aboard’s under the Mandate while those giving up that designation were allowed to “illegally” to occupy their Live Aboard vessel full time as they’re second vessel slip payment ostensibly allowed 3 days each vessel. Kilroy Realty began to develop Oyster Cove, they closed the Marina and as a result 34 full-time residents, including those displaced from other marinas previously to Oyster Cove, WERE ALL EVICTED! At that point Housing activists including Live Aboard Residents, Sympathetic members of the City Council and The San Mateo County Harbor District approached the BCDC with a plan to temporarily place all those displaced from Oyster Cove Marina for 1 year at Oyster Point Marina. That 1 year Period ends on the 15th of October 2023.
We Need More Than 10%!!!
Live aboard Slips at Treasure Island are under threat, Oakland Yacht Club, and possibly more! Please take action.
September 7, 2023 Commission Meeting
PS: See the San Francisco Bay Plan:
PPS: 564 folks have signed our petition at – check some of the comments for ideas what to write to BCDC today – it will only take a few minutes of your time. Email John Creech at BEFORE Thursday 10:00 am!!
PPPS: We are not alone:
How do I contact the Commission?
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission
Metro Center
375 Beale Street, Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 352-3600
(888) 348-5190
Business Days and Hours
M-F 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.